集中式培训(CT)是许多受欢迎的多代理增强学习(MARL)方法的基础,因为它允许代理商快速学习高性能的政策。但是,CT依靠代理人从对特定州对其他代理商的行为的一次性观察中学习。由于MARL代理商在培训期间探索和更新其政策,因此这些观察结果通常会为其他代理商的行为和预期的给定行动回报提供不良的预测。因此,CT方法患有较高的差异和容易出错的估计,从而损害了学习。除非施加了强大的分解限制,否则CT方法还遭受了复杂性爆炸性增长(例如,QMIX的单调奖励函数)。我们通过一个新的半居中的MAL框架来应对这些挑战,该框架执行政策安装的培训和分散的执行。我们的方法是嵌入式增强学习算法(PERLA),是参与者批评的MARL算法的增强工具,它利用了一种新型参数共享协议和策略嵌入方法来维持对其他代理商的行为的估计。我们的理论证明,佩拉大大降低了价值估计的差异。与各种CT方法不同,Perla无缝地采用MARL算法,它可以轻松地与代理数量缩放,而无需限制性分解假设。我们展示了Perla在基准环境中的出色经验表现和有效的缩放,包括Starcraft Micromagement II和Multi-Agent Mujoco
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强化学习(RL)被认为是在环境扰动下缺乏概括和鲁棒性,这过度限制了其对现实世界机器人技术的应用。先前的工作声称,将正则化添加到价值函数等同于学习不确定的稳健策略。尽管正规化的转换对其简单性和效率有吸引力,但它仍然缺乏连续的控制任务。在本文中,我们提出了一个名为$ \ textbf {u} $ nclectionty $ \ textbf {s} $ et $ et $ \ textbf {r} $ egularizer(usr)的新正常器功能。特别是,USR足够灵活,可以插入任何现有的RL框架中。为了处理未知的不确定性集,我们进一步提出了一种基于价值函数生成它们的新型对抗方法。我们在现实世界增强学习(RWRL)基准上评估了USR,这表明了扰动测试环境的稳健性能的改进。
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Value factorisation is a useful technique for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) in global reward game, however its underlying mechanism is not yet fully understood. This paper studies a theoretical framework for value factorisation with interpretability via Shapley value theory. We generalise Shapley value to Markov convex game called Markov Shapley value (MSV) and apply it as a value factorisation method in global reward game, which is obtained by the equivalence between the two games. Based on the properties of MSV, we derive Shapley-Bellman optimality equation (SBOE) to evaluate the optimal MSV, which corresponds to an optimal joint deterministic policy. Furthermore, we propose Shapley-Bellman operator (SBO) that is proved to solve SBOE. With a stochastic approximation and some transformations, a new MARL algorithm called Shapley Q-learning (SHAQ) is established, the implementation of which is guided by the theoretical results of SBO and MSV. We also discuss the relationship between SHAQ and relevant value factorisation methods. In the experiments, SHAQ exhibits not only superior performances on all tasks but also the interpretability that agrees with the theoretical analysis. The implementation of this paper is on https://github.com/hsvgbkhgbv/shapley-q-learning.
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In this paper, we propose a robust 3D detector, named Cross Modal Transformer (CMT), for end-to-end 3D multi-modal detection. Without explicit view transformation, CMT takes the image and point clouds tokens as inputs and directly outputs accurate 3D bounding boxes. The spatial alignment of multi-modal tokens is performed implicitly, by encoding the 3D points into multi-modal features. The core design of CMT is quite simple while its performance is impressive. CMT obtains 73.0% NDS on nuScenes benchmark. Moreover, CMT has a strong robustness even if the LiDAR is missing. Code will be released at https://github.com/junjie18/CMT.
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Knowledge graphs (KG) have served as the key component of various natural language processing applications. Commonsense knowledge graphs (CKG) are a special type of KG, where entities and relations are composed of free-form text. However, previous works in KG completion and CKG completion suffer from long-tail relations and newly-added relations which do not have many know triples for training. In light of this, few-shot KG completion (FKGC), which requires the strengths of graph representation learning and few-shot learning, has been proposed to challenge the problem of limited annotated data. In this paper, we comprehensively survey previous attempts on such tasks in the form of a series of methods and applications. Specifically, we first introduce FKGC challenges, commonly used KGs, and CKGs. Then we systematically categorize and summarize existing works in terms of the type of KGs and the methods. Finally, we present applications of FKGC models on prediction tasks in different areas and share our thoughts on future research directions of FKGC.
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Few Shot Instance Segmentation (FSIS) requires models to detect and segment novel classes with limited several support examples. In this work, we explore a simple yet unified solution for FSIS as well as its incremental variants, and introduce a new framework named Reference Twice (RefT) to fully explore the relationship between support/query features based on a Transformer-like framework. Our key insights are two folds: Firstly, with the aid of support masks, we can generate dynamic class centers more appropriately to re-weight query features. Secondly, we find that support object queries have already encoded key factors after base training. In this way, the query features can be enhanced twice from two aspects, i.e., feature-level and instance-level. In particular, we firstly design a mask-based dynamic weighting module to enhance support features and then propose to link object queries for better calibration via cross-attention. After the above steps, the novel classes can be improved significantly over our strong baseline. Additionally, our new framework can be easily extended to incremental FSIS with minor modification. When benchmarking results on the COCO dataset for FSIS, gFSIS, and iFSIS settings, our method achieves a competitive performance compared to existing approaches across different shots, e.g., we boost nAP by noticeable +8.2/+9.4 over the current state-of-the-art FSIS method for 10/30-shot. We further demonstrate the superiority of our approach on Few Shot Object Detection. Code and model will be available.
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